“Top Of The Court” – The Top NBA Podcasts for Insider Insights and Entertainment

Podcast content continues to grow more and more every year. Large media corporations and marketers are allocating more money to audio platform budgeting. Studies show that more than 38 percent of the US population queued into a podcast in the last month. There is no exception to this when it comes to the world of basketball. Between players’ and analysts’ individual media platforms, and big media struggling to stay relevant against that, podcasts have shown to be a great medium for NBA fans across the country. With the half of the NBA season underway and the All-Star break in front of us, let’s talk about the best NBA podcasts to follow during the break. 


  1. Dunc’d On with Danny LeRoux and Nate Duncan

This podcast makes the list because of consistent, serious, and unsentimental NBA content. This surprisingly rare content seems to be a staple for many NBA fans as they talk 90 minutes a day, 5 days a week about game recaps, and statistics. So you may be thinking, what is so special about Dunc’d On… Analyzing the game in a statistical manner seems quite vanilla, doesn’t it? Well, the fact of the matter is that this content is actually quite rare these days and the quantity is usually reserved for sports talk radios. Dunc’d On is religious with their content, the schedule never changes and new content is available every morning. For a purely analytical experience, tune into Dunc’d On next Monday morning. 

2. All The Smoke Podcast with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson

All The Smoke attracts listeners by displaying two of the most controversial and intense competitors of their generation. Jackson and Barnes are known for their fiery attitudes and unwavering opinions on the game. Both players have spent the majority of their lives around the league and have received huge respect from everyone in the community. This is what makes this podcast so special. The podcast features a new athlete every week and it is clear that these guests want to be there and appreciate the attention towards themselves and talking about whatever may be on their minds. All opinions are welcome as long as they are worn on your sleeve. This gritty, yet honest feel is something that is truly appealing to any NBA fan.

3. The Old Man and The Three with JJ Reddick

This podcast is sort of a compromise for the two podcasts above in the list. One features hardcore analysts that talk strictly numbers and the other is two former players spilling out their opinions sometimes not even basketball related. JJ meets these two in the middle. He is a former NBA player and invites guest athletes to talk about the current state of the season and what’s next for the respective guest and their teams. This podcast displays athletes on a comfortable stage like that of All The Smoke, yet has a script like Dunc’d On. The beauty in listening to this is hearing an athlete analyze the game rather than a mathematician in a suit. The listen is extremely satisfying and all credit goes to Mr. Reddick for creating such a structured yet welcoming atmosphere for his guests. 

2 responses to ““Top Of The Court” – The Top NBA Podcasts for Insider Insights and Entertainment”

  1. I know he’s not NBA-specific, but you can’t leave out the Bill Simmons Pod. And I have to vote No Dunks and The Mismatch for the honorable mentions list. Keep up the work! I’ll have to check out Dunc’d On.

    1. Yes, Bill Simmons’ Pod is pretty great. Have to be honest though I don’t listen to it as much as I probably should. Dunc’d on is just so great for their consistent content. Definitely check out JJ Reddick’s pod with Zion, that one is pretty darn cool. Anyway, thanks for the reply, hope you are doing well mate!